A train journey to and from Zurich via the Gottardo to Ticino can be an emotional affair. It certainly is for me. The staggering contrast between the two landscapes (and cultures) divided by the great Gottardo mountain always releases a wave of amazement, wonder and overwhelming love (homebound) and (yearning) outbound. These train journeys remind me more and more of the deeprooted sense of belonging that I feel for this land. A friend recently commented that the landscape surrounding the Gottardo is not necessarily good for the mood; ominous granite walls rising steeply to the sky aren't that cheery. I agree, but I guess it also depends which side of the mountain you are on. The north side makes me melancholy whereas rising on the southside (the Ticino side) or indeed descending into it after exiting the long tunnel releases lots of bubbling endorphins.
What really nails it though is the A2 Biaschina viaduct. Concrete at its most beautiful; tall slender legs, plunging down into the green vast valley below - the surrounding space and scenery enhances this fantastically engineered structure's proportions to stunning effect. A great example of Ticino's love-affair with concrete and a prime example of mine with Ticino.
The proper way to admire this beauty is by train, for sure.
The Biaschina Viaduct project was realised by Christian Menn.
The proper way to admire this beauty is by train, for sure.
The Biaschina Viaduct project was realised by Christian Menn.
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